Yesterday, I went to the local hardware store to get supplies to build my mom a shoe rack for her closet. She has over 100 pairs of shoes! Wow... I thought that *I* had a lot! =)
Regardless of where I am or what I am doing, I always like to stop and smell the roses and enjoy any beauty that is around me. With all of today's distractions, it's so easy to loose touch with our spiritual side. But anywhere we are in the world, the Essence of Life is always there with us. Any time we choose to move inward, regardless of outer circumstances, the Spirit of Life is always there to meet and greet us. ♥
As I was walking by the indoor garden section of the store, I was greeted by these AMAZING flowers and plants that were *radiating* and emanating such a beautiful expression of Life.

I like to see all that exists here on beautiful Earth as a work of art that *someone* is creating. Whoever this *creator* is... WOW. What an amazing artist they are! Just look at how beautifully the colors and textures blend with each other. ♥
This here is a "Chinese Money Tree". Legend has it that if you have one of these, it will bring you money and good fortune! But be careful... if it's not taken care of properly and it withers away, so will your money, or so they say! =)
In the beginning of Eckhart Tolle's book
A New Earth, he explains that flowers are an expression of consciousness; they are an expression of enlightenment within the plant kingdom. I agree. Do you? ♥
I was absolutely amazed by these orchids! WOW... =)
During one of my trips to the jungles of Costa Rica, I came across a fern that would respond to human touch. When I would get close, it would close up it's leaves or sway from side to side as if to say "Hi! I know you're there!" After that experience, I have a whole new level of respect for ferns! =)
It's so important to have an abundance of plants and flowers in our homes. Not only are they beautiful and serve as a nice decoration, but they also provide fresh oxygen for us. I love to have a lot of plants and flowers in my home and in my room, and I feel a deep connection with them. I take care of them, and they take care of me. Somehow, they contribute positive energy to my life. They are my closest friends! =)
I also checked out some pots just for fun. Here are a few that I liked a lot! ♥
And of course, when planting anything in pots make sure to get the ORGANIC soil! Your plants and flowers will appreciate it, as they will be able to produce healthier, more beautiful leaves and flowers. ♥
Thanks for coming with me on the FLOWER POWER adventure! I hope you enjoyed that...
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See you tomorrow! =)
Yours Truly,